Kid’s Dog Bone Party Treat

As mentioned last week my four year old recently had a “dog disco” party. We made dog biscuits for the party and he also requested “dog bones” because after all that is what dog’s like to eat best.

I played with the idea of using the dog bone cookie cutter on sandwiches, but opted to try something new and use it on the Rice Bubble Slice (Rice Krispies for my US readers) that is so easy to make. The main reason I opted for making the kid’s dog bones out of the Rice Bubble Slice was so that I could have them all made the night before. The party was starting at 9.30am and with the school run to do and a toddler underfoot before the start of the party, I only wanted to have the bare minimum of work to do. If I was to make dog bone fairy bread sandwiches, they would have to have been made in the morning.

Making the kid’s dog bones was quite easy. You can find the recipe for the Rice Bubble Slice here. Once the slice was set, I removed it from the tray and onto a chopping board (keeping the baking paper on the slice). I sprayed the dog bone cutter lightly with cooking spray and then pressed out the bone. This did require a decent amount of pressure, the preschooler didn’t have the strength to do this part. Make sure you use a strong cutter to do this. Once I pushed the dog bone cutter through, I then gently pushed the bone out and placed them on sheets of baking paper in an air tight container.