How being Planned + Present can help increase family harmony and save you money

Early bird registrations for Planned + Present round 8 are now open. Over the last two years over 500 mums have taken the course with amazing results for so many who have taken action.

If you are relatively new to Planning With Kids and haven’t heard of Planned + Present, it is a  7 week online course designed for mums to help streamline the known repetitive tasks of family life, so they can then better manage the unpredictable but inevitable parts of family life. The course starts with goal setting and habit formation to help you set a strong foundation upon which you can then implement home planning and organisation routines.

The goal setting component isn’t just choosing a few things you want to do in your year, but it is a process that we work through to give purpose and direction to your year. Looking after and nurturing a family is a wonderful role that we play, but it is one that comes with much repetition, tedious work, challenging work and often very little feedback.

One of the key reasons parents find it hard to start or stick to routines and organisational systems is because they have lost sight of the bigger picture. Lost sight of how these smaller tasks fit in to help us create the family life we want. If we aren’t sure about the purpose behind what we are doing, it is harder to stick to the routines and plans we make.

And why do we want to plan and organise family life in the first place? So we can enjoy family life more and increase family harmony. It is hard to feel calm and enjoy family life when we are feeling overwhelmed by by the workload required of us or if feel we are constantly chasing our tail and never getting ahead.

I truly love seeing the changes families make from what they learn in the e-course and the impact it has on everyone in the family.

The course requires investment both in time and money. It is natural to consider the value you will receive from purchasing an online course and I am so confident you will find exceptional value in the course, I offer a 30 day no questions asked refund policy. Not only will you find exceptional value, but the course will also help you save money!

How Planned + Present will save you money

Some readers kindly gave me feedback last year as to why they haven’t purchased the course and it may seem strange to share their reasons here on the blog, but I have included a few below because I think there may be more readers who have had similar thoughts too:

Although I believe it to be good value, I find it hard to spend that much money on myself.

Because I have trouble spending that sort of money on myself and I worry that I’m too busy to stick at the course.

I felt not OK spending money on something for myself. I have done one e-course recently and was not disciplined enough to get full benefits of it.

I can relate to all of these statements myself. My family, like most runs to a budget and when you want to make a purchase of this size, you need to think about where this money is going to come from.

While you may have to outlay money for the course initially, over the year, it will easily pay for itself through the savings you can make. Planned + Present will save you money by:

  • Reducing food waste – the average Australian household throws out over $1,000* worth of food each year or around $19 per week. Meal planning prevents and reduces food wastage, saving you plenty of money across the year.
  • Saving on food for kids’ lunches – Planned + Present teaches you an easy and efficient process for making the kids’ lunch boxes. By having a lunch box process you can reduce the amount of money you spend buying lunches for the kids instead of making them, buying in bulk instead of using pre-packed items which are always more expensive and making items instead of buying them using the weekly prep process taught in the course. This only can save you many dollars each week, for example compare the cost of store bought to home cooked muffins:
    • Coles homebrand pack 4 blueberry muffins = $3.50 or $0.88 per muffin
    • Making 15 muffins at home $5.09** or $0.34 per muffin
    • 15 home made muffins = $5.09 compared to 15 store bought muffins = $13.13
  • Saving on lunches for mum and dad – through menu planning and the weekly prep lessons, you can now have home cooked food on hand for lunches for mum and dad, instead of buying food for lunch at work. It is hard to find a decent lunch in Melbourne for less than $10 a day, so if you are buying your lunch regularly, this can give you big savings.
  • Less late fees more early bird specials – having a calendar or diary system that can incorporate keeping track of payment dates and early bird rates is a great way you minimise unnecessary expenditure. In the course I teach a process you can use and apply to any calendar or diary you use, so that you don’t miss payments or special deals.

How Planned + Present has been an investment for other families

Planned + Present has seen a pretty amazing group of mothers go through the course over the years and I recently asked them how they believe their families have benefited from them doing the course. Here is what some of them had to say:

Do you have questions about Planned + Present?

Do you have a question/s about Planned + Present? I am happy to answer them below in the comments or if you prefer you can email me directly on and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Planned + Present will help you change both your mindset and behaviours to get you organised at home for the long term. It isn’t like the free 21 day challenges you find online that tell you what to do each day, which to use an old adage is effectively giving you a fish – I am going to teach you how to fish.

You have lifetime access to the course so can dip in and out of it as you need to make changes as your family grows. I would love you to be part of it – hope to see you there!

** Calculations based off price from Coles Online on Monday February 4th 2019.

Photo by
Melissa Walker Horn on Unsplash