Aussie Blogger’s Secret Santa

I am a member (and moderator) and the great Aussie Blogger’s Forum. It is a very friendly and helpful place, which I would encourage you to visit if you haven’t already done so.

This Christmas is the first for Aussie Blogger’s Forum and they had a secret santa (Kris Kringle) which I participated in. I was delighted to receive in the mail yesterday a very cute and funny book, as photographed (quite poorly by me!) above.

The book is called You’re a Fabulous Mum*. By Susannah Mac

* Despite the stale bread, unmade beds and guilty thoughts in your head.

It should be a great read, I have skimmed a few parts and it has already made me laugh. This one in particular was amusing, given that my oldest son asked me when I was going out on the weekend, if dad was babysitting them:

It is OK…………
to advise your partner that he can’t call it babysitting if they are his own children.

Thank you to my Secret Santa for my lovely gift.