Sweet and Salty Popcorn

Disclaimer: This post is contributed by Planning With Kids partner Pureharvest.

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Popcorn has got to be one of the best snacks going around. Whether it’s for the school lunchbox, an afternoon snack, a kid’s birthday party or watching a movie, popcorn is yummy and versatile! However, often store bought popcorn is loaded with salt, fat and sugar, and on top of that, it can be expensive (popcorn is almost as expensive as the movie ticket these days!)

So what’s the answer? Make your own of course! Making popcorn at home means you can control the amount of sugar, salt and fat that goes into it. Below is a simple and delicious recipe to make your own popcorn at home. It’s cane sugar free and doesn’t have any nasty colours, flavours or preservatives, so you can be sure you are giving your kids a delicious and nutritious snack. It’s so simple, quick and cheap. Once you make your first batch you’ll never go back.



  1. First things first, make the popcorn! If you have a popcorn machine feel free to use it (just follow the instructions). Otherwise making the perfect popcorn on the stove is really simple. Heat ¼ cup good quality organic oil (we like to use olive oil) into a heavy based pot. Once the oil is hot pour in the popcorn kernels, place the lid on and give the saucepan a shake (this helps stop kernels sticking to the bottom on the pot). As soon as the popcorn stops popping, or the popping becomes quiet, remove the pot from the stove and pour the popcorn into a large bowl and set aside.
  2. Place the rice malt syrup into a small saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring continuously. As soon at the rice malt syrup starts to bubble remove it from the heat and pour over the popcorn. Season with salt and give the mixture a really good stir to ensure all the popcorn is coated even with the rice malt syrup and salt.
  3. Your popcorn is ready to enjoy. However if you want it nice and crispy place the popcorn on a baking tray and pop it into a 160°C oven for around 5-10 minutes.

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