Stop, Look, Listen and Reflect – Mid Year Review

Personal goals, new year’s resolutions, bucket lists, what ever you may have called it, there is a pretty big chance like most of us, you would have set yourself some type of goals for 2012.

We are now halfway through the year and that makes it the perfect time to Stop, Look, Listen and Reflect!

I review my goals monthly, but at about this time each year I like to delve a little bit further and assess how all aspects of my life are going:

  • How am I feeling about myself?
  • How am I feeling about my relationship with my kids?
  • How am I feeling about my relationship with my husband?
  • How am I feeling about my relationship with my friends?
  • How am I feeling about my work?

I have also asked for the relevant stakeholders (kids, husbands and co) to let me know how they are feeling. I have taken on board their feedback and while overall I am very happy with where things are in general, in each aspect of my life, there are things I would like to improve on.

I have already made a start on some areas with success and I will share the changes with you over the coming weeks.

So how are you feeling about things in your life? Have you taken time to Stop, Look, Listen and Reflect?

Personal Goals – June Review

Key Tasks For JuneReview June Activity
1. - BlogFind someone to fix menu planner issue.

Update menu planner recipes.
Well I had one set of problems fixed, only to find a new set!

I am hoping that I can get those new problems sorted this month and then be able to update the menu planner, so this task will carry over for July.
2. - FamilyCombo of time at the off leash park and at Mr I's football to get us out and active together.We have had more time together, generally at the expense of Master 3's nap times, but it has been lovely to do more things with the entire family.
3. - PartnerGo out to dinner.No, has not happened. I have a voucher for a really lovely restaurant that we must use soon, so will add this to the list for next month too.
4. - MeTry two new low carb evening meal recipes - going to aim for this again.Have had success here and will post recipes on the blog when I get the chance.

Personal Goals – Key Task For July

Goals for 2012Key Tasks For June
1. - BlogComplete make over of blog.Find someone to fix menu planner issue.

Update menu planner recipes.
2. - FamilyFamily active time.We haven't been out to dinner for a while so would like to achieve that this month.
3. - PartnerDoing more things together.Go out to dinner.
4. - MeChange the way I eat - more balanced (less carbs).I want to come up with some more creative snacks for me this month.

What do you want to achieve for July?