10 Top Posts For February

The end of another month! Our first with five children and it has gone so quickly! Here are just some of the posts that I enjoyed reading this month:


1. Weekend Goodies:: Snickerdoodles

Molly Irwin gives you a great recipe for Snickerdoodles complete with beautiful photos.

2. Choc banana with sprinkles

A bit of this and a bit of that… show you can make this yummy treat with your children.

3. 18 Everyday Hacks For Cooking From Scratch

Simple Mom gives great tips to make life easier in the kitchen.


Repurposing Made Easy: Make Your Own Clipboard And Clips

The Crafty Crow shows how you can use old materials to make a cute cilpboard. Would make a nice gift for children.

5. For You

J Casa Handmade has provided freely her pattern complete with tutorial for the Kidlet Wall Pocket Tidy Tote.


6. Steroid Parenting

Uncommon Parenting talks about how you can use the A-Rod steroid taking issue as a life learning for your kids.

7. 10 Minutes

Remodelling this Life notes practical advice for when family life overwhelms you – it only takes 10 minutes to do most things for example “10 minutes to chat about my daughter’s day at school, 10 minutes to clean the kitchen sink, 10 minutes of picking up toys”

8. Reading and Eating

itty bitty love presents a gorgeous way to increase and encourage independence in preschoolers – allowing them to prepare and eat their own snacks.

9. ABC Brings Us The ‘Sadistic Bitch’ Method Of Parenting

Strollerderby reviews the controversial documentary currently screening on Australia’s ABC TV, Brining Up Baby. They are particularly critical of the harsh 1950s method of parenting used by Claire Verity. (I personally was moved to tears in this show when she made the mothers leave their newborn babies to cry.)

10. Gentle Baby and Toddler Sleep Tips

PhD in Parenting gives some really practical strategies on the difficult sleep issue.