meal prep ideas

How to weekly meal prep for the family


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If you have been reading this blog for even a short time you will know that each weekend I undertake some meal prep to make the challenge of feeding the family and me during the week easier.

I started doing this many years ago and in the beginning I was making one sweet and one savoury item for the kids’ lunches. Over time this has evolved and I have created an efficient process that requires only a few hours in the kitchen from me across the weekend and I can meal prep the following:

  • a sweet treat for the kids’ lunch boxes
  • a savoury item for the kids’s lunch boxes
  • prepped veggies for the week
  • food for lunches for myself and my husband
  • made from scratch condiments

Each weekend I share some pics of what I make on the PWK Facebook page and over the years many other parents have joined along doing some meal prep and sharing what they have made. But many more families ask me questions each week – how do I choose what to make, how do I find time to make it, how do I store the food etc. Many also comment that they wished they did meal prep because they know it would make life easier during the week.

To help other families, I decided to document the process that I undertake each weekend into simple step by step instructions based of my years of practice and trial and error. The result of this project is my new Meal Prep Primer E-course!

Meal prepping isn’t rocket science but it is about habit formation. It is about planning what you are going to do and then executing on that plan. To set a new habit sometimes you just need a starting point, something to get you on the right track and this is where Meal Prep Primer can help.

Meal Prep Primer shows you how to plan effectively to spend time in the kitchen over the weekend and prep food that will make your week days easier:

  • Imagine being able to simply pick and pack from your pre-made items to make the kids’ lunch boxes.
  • Imagine being able to make a meal in minutes when you come in late after work or an after school activity using the food you prepped on the weekend.
  • Imagine eating a nutritious homemade lunch each day that you can simply reheat in a flash.

This can be a reality for you and it doesn’t have to take up all of your weekend.

What Meal Prep Primer will teach you

In the course I will teach you the process I have developed over many years, so that you can spend the minimum time in the kitchen for maximum results. The course will:

  • save you time
  • save you money
  • save you stress through the week days
  • ensure your family eats well
  • allow you to enjoy meal time more with the family

What Meal Prep Primer includes

The course is self paced and you receive lifetime access to all resources and information. Meal Prep Primer includes:

  • A comprehensive video teaching you a process that you can use to efficiently undertake a weekly food prep session.
  • 3 weekly meal prep plans outlining what to cook when, shopping lists and recipes that you can follow step by step.
  • A template to create your own meal prep plans.
  • A short series of emails to accompany and guide you through the course.
  • A resource list and recipe list to help you with your planning.

The plans including are of course guides you can tweak to fit your family and you can add more or do less than is outlined in the plans depending on your circumstances.

Do something your future self will thank you for and sign up today!

Bonuses if you sign up before Aug 31!

To celebrate the launch of Meal Prep Primer, I have secured some excellent discounts for readers who purchase the course before Friday 31st August 2018. If you buy before that date you will receive the following bonuses.

Biome 10% Off Glasslock Products – I have numerous glass containers that I use for storing the food that I prep each weekend. Glasslock containers are made from high quality tempered glass, so they are super strong. These containers can be kept in the fridge or freezer and no they don’t break in the freezer!

Much of their range is also oven safe, so you can go from oven to freezer in the same container. Storing and serving food from glass ensures that your food is not contaminated with unwanted chemicals including BPA, PVC and Pthaltates. Glasslock glass is nonporous and impermeable, so unlike plastic that discolours from foods like curries and sauces, they are easy to clean and stay clean. You will receive 10% off all Glasslock products. This offer from Biome is valid online only and not available in-store.

Funch Free Shipping On Entire Order – Funch is an awesome young company founded by two Melbourne Mums, Tanya Duncan and Lisa Bourne. They have a fabulous  range of DIY premixes made from only natural whole food ingredients that you can whip up quickly as the sweet treat for the kids’ lunch boxes or as a treat for you! As they are mums themselves they know the nut free rules for schools and have a specific nut free range perfect for school lunch boxes. You will receive free shipping on your entire order. This offer is for Australian residents only.

Planning With Kids’ Lunch Box Recipe E-Book – The recipe e-book includes:

  • Over 25 gluten and nut free recipes
  • Tips for easier school lunches
  • Seasonal fruit and vegetables by month
  • Plus more!

With bonuses in excess of $29, now is definitely the time to sign up!