Book lists and audiobook lists for kids

Over the 10 years I have been blogging I have published many book lists for kids. To make it easy for you to find these book lists all in one place, I have collated them here for you!

Book lists for kids

Some of the titles will state the lists are for boys or girls. Obviously girls and boys can read any books! But the title of each posts mean they are listing books that myself or the guest author of the post have found to be more popular with that gender.

Audiobook lists for kids

Audiobooks are a great way for kids to expand their reading horizons, take some down time and entertain themselves on long car trips!

Children’s Book Week Posts

For many years I have written posts to celebrate Children’s Book Week in Australia. These posts contain links to activity sheets, teacher notes etc for books that are shortlisted for CBCA awards. The resources while often aimed at teachers are fantastic for parents too – they explain themes, writing styles and provide example questions you can discuss with the kids as you read the books.

Some extra reading posts you might like!

While these posts don’t contain book lists they are on the topic of kids and reading and you may also find them useful.