Books for 2013

My Book List For 2013

When I wrote about my personal goals for 2103 I listed that I wanted to read six books by the end of the year.  I received comments and emails asking me to share what they were going to be, so here is my list. I will write about each book as I finish them and if you have read them would love you to join in the conversation when I post about them.

I have listed only five books as I thought I would crowd source one of them.  If you have books you think are must reads, please let me know in the comments below (you need to click through to the blog to leave a comment) and I will then update this post with my last selection.

I am very prone to only reading non fiction, so am making myself read half and half this year.  The order listed below is the order I intend to read them:

So that leaves on fiction book to add to the list – what would you recommend? It doesn’t have to be recent either.

Looking forward to reading your suggestions.