Sandra Boynton Board Books

Earlier this month I had a wonderful surprise in my inbox. I received an Amazon Gift Certificate from a lovely reader named Kristina from Croatia. Her message with the gift was as follows:

Hi PQ! I’m a big fan of your blog and you are a big inspiration to my everyday life with kids. So, I send you this small gift for your newborn baby. Regards from Croatia, Kristina

This really made my day, but I did not have any contact details to thank Kristina for her kindness, so I thought I would write my thanks on the blog for her to read. Thanks Kristina. 🙂

I bought for our new son the set of Boynton’s Greatest Hits: Volume 1as pictured above with the gift certificate. I love Sandra Boynton’s work and find these books really enjoyable to read to the children. The text is always humorous and the illustrations are gorgeous.

As the babies grow into toddlers, the Sandra Boynton Board Books also provide a great opportunity to reinforce concepts you are teaching them like colours, numbers, animals etc. The book “Blue Hat Green Hat” focuses on four key colours, “A to Z” looks at letters “Moo, Baa, La La La” looks at animals and at the sounds they make.

We have some of Sandra Boynton’s books but have mainly borrowed them from the library. It will be great to add to our collection, thanks again Kristina!