10 parenting books babies to primary school

10 Parenting Books That I Love!

I do like to read on parenting issues. Usually I head to a book when I know that there is new stage of development on the horizon. This is my way of planning how I can then best deal with this impending stage.

One of the beautiful things about children is that they are all unique and as a parent I try to take that into account when I am managing their behaviour. In some instances, I have very different ways of dealing with each of the children as they have quite different personalities. Reading books like those listed below have helped me build up my skills as a parent and adapt my strategies appropriately.

Click on the title of the book to find out more.

1. The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth by Sheila Kitzinger
My first foray into the world of childhood. An empowering book for pregnant women.

2. Baby Love by Robin Barker
The Australian Bible of Baby Care. I loved the honest writing style of Robin and that there was not just one answer to baby issues. In most cases for each area of baby development there were a number of alternatives to try.

3. Baby and Toddler Meals by Robin Barker
Very practical and realistic advice on food issues from the introduction to solids up to toddlers. There are fantastic, healthy recipes for all stages.

4. Raising Boys by Steven Biddulph
I came from a family of 4 girls. Baby and little boys were a very new thing for me. I still go back and refer to this book, as my boys hit new developmental stages of their lives.

5. The Secret of Happy Children by Steve Biddulph
A thoughtful and instructive book on parenting children. Reminds you to focus on what you do and say to your child as it greatly impacts on their current and future happiness.

6. Children are People too by Louise Porter
I have referenced this book a couple of times on the blog and I would have to say that this book really changed the way I parent. I can remember reading the first half of the book and thinking “I am doing all the things she says not too – oh no I am crap parent!!!!” But then reading through the book she takes you through very simple, caring strategies on how to manage children’s behaviour.

7. The Hurried Child by David Elkind
I don’t own this book, as I borrowed it from the library but I think I really need to buy it, because I feel like I need to read it again. Although originally written 20 years ago, (it has been revised 3 times) it reminds me that children need time to rest and time to just be.

8. What’s the hurry? by Kathy Walker

I have also referenced Kathy Walker quite a bit on my blog and I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is wondering when their child might be ready for school.

9. The Challenging Child by Stanley Greenspan
A very detailed book on the five basic personality types that most children fall into and stem from inborn physical characteristics. Has lots of practical ideas on how to work with each type of child.

10. Playground Politics by Stanley Greenspan
A great resource that details the emotional challenges that kids have to face on the playground and what we as parents can do to help.

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